ATB’s Perch explores higher education in new podcast!


From learning about the human condition to encountering different perspectives to developing critical thinking skills, there is a wide range of benefits associated with post-secondary education, but getting a well-paying job afterward is often at or near the top of the list.

According to the 2016 Census, the average employment income of Albertans age 25 to 64 was around $47,000 for those with less than a high school education. Completing high school is associated with a $7,800 bump in average employment income. Multiplied by just five years, that’s $39,000 of additional income.

Average income goes up even further among Albertans who have completed a post-secondary program of some kind. Average employment income is highest among those with a university degree, followed by Albertans who learned a trade and those with a college diploma. The annual earnings gap between Albertans with less than high school and those with a degree above the bachelor level is a whopping $53,000.

Completing a post-secondary program requires investing a significant amount of time, energy and money and there is no guarantee that it will lead to a well-paying job. With that said, the higher level of employment income associated with having a post-secondary credential suggests that it is a worthwhile investment.

About Don Cholak